2023-2025. Funder: John Templeton Foundation. Cognitive Neuroscience of Religious Cognition, USA. Website: https://www.cognitiveneuroscienceofreligion.org/ Title of the project: “Searching for the Neural Foundations of Spirituality and Religiosity in the predictive coding of the internal and external world". Role Co-I. PI Cosimo Urgesi. Fundings: $452.500.
2023-2025. Funder: MIUR PRIN. Predictive waves in human perception and individual differences along the autism-schizophrenia continuum. Role PI. Fundings: €264.000.
2023-2025. Funder: MIUR PRIN, PNRR. Investigating the plasticity of human predictive coding through neuromodulation. Role: Local PI. Fundings: €225.000.
2022-2025. Funder: BIAL Foundation. The influence of emotions on actions: Boosting brain network plasticity to ameliorate action control. Role: Co-I. PI: Sara Borgomaneri. Fundings: €60.000.
2023-2026. Funder: Ministerio De Ciencia, Innovacion Y Universidades, Spain: “El papel de la acción en la selección de información visual en la Memoria Operativa: Correlatos neurofisiológicos (PASIV). Role Co-I. P.I. Claudia Poch. Fundings: €98.125.
2020-2023. Funder: Ministerio de Ciencia, Inovaciòn y Universidades, Spain. Title of the project: “The role of alpha oscillations in gating sensory processing during Working Memory maintenance”. Role Co-I. PI Claudia Poch. Fundings: €99.220.
2019-2021. Funder: BIAL Foundation, Portugal. Title of the Porject: “Boosting Working Memory capacity by strengthening the oscillatory functional fronto-parietal pathway”. Role: PI. Fundings: €47.000.
2014-2017. Funder: Italian National Health Service. Title of the project: “Empowering the brain. Induction of Hebbian-like plasticity in cortico-cortical neural networks with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): investigations of functional connectivity in healthy subjects and clinical trials in stroke patients”. Role: CO-I. PI Alessio Avenanti. Fundings: €314.300.