Romei V. Enhancing brain connectivity and testing its functional significance through manipulation of Hebbian-like plasticity of targeted networks. Invited Talk at Symposium. 7th International Conference on Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS) Baden Baden, 2020.
Romei V. Rhythms for perception: how neural oscillations determine our perceptual interpretation Invited talk at symposium. ECVP 26-31 August 2018, Trieste.
Romei V. Shaping brain waves: an information-based approach. Invited talk at Workshop. University of Cambridge, Uk 18-19 Jan 2018.
Romei V. Shaping Brain waves: an information-based approach. Invited talk at symposium: Neurospin, Paris, France, 11 Sept 2017.
Romei V. Shaping Brain waves: an information based approach. Invited Speaker at University of Tubinghen, Germany 12 June 2017.
Romei V. Shaping brain waves: an information based approach. Invited talk at Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière – ICM CNRS UMR 7225 – INSERM, Paris, France, April 28th 2017.
Romei V. Shaping brain waves: an information based approach. Invited talk at symposium: “Driving the brain to understand cognition” at CNS, in San Francisco 25-28 March 2017.
Romei V. The speed of parietal theta frequency drives visuospatial working memory capacity. Invited talk at 6th international Conference on Transcranial Brain Stimulation. 7-10 Sept 2016 Gottingen, Germany.
Romei V. New vistas in Neuromodulation: shaping brain oscillations and connectivity in the human brain. Invited talk at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands. 10 June 2016.
Romei V. New vistas in Neuromodulation: beyond a causal approach in the study of brain oscillations and connectivity. Invited talk at the University of Trento. Rovereto, 30 Oct 2015.
Romei V. Induction of cortico-cortical Hebbian-like plasticity in the human visual system boosts visual awareness. Invited talk at symposium: “Brain stimulation investigations of cognition” at BACN2015 in Essex, September 10-11 2015.
Romei V. Causal mapping of brain functions: from brain oscillations to brain connectivity. Invited talk at the University of East Anglia. June 3rd 2015.
Romei V. Crossmodal illusory perception depends on individual differences in alpha frequency peak. Invited talk at the EPS Jon Driver Workshop. 7 Jan 2015.
Chiappini E. Avenanti A Hibbard P. Romei V. Empowering feedback projections from V5 to V1 boosts sensitivity for motion. Invited talk for best poster prize at Magstim Neuroscience Conference, Oxford, May 10-11 2014.
Romei V. Assessing the functional impact of brain connectivity and brain oscillations using novel methodologies in Neurostimulation. Invited talk at the Symposium on Attention and perception at BACN, 11-12 Sept 2014, York.
Romei V. Invited talk at symposium entitled “Demystifying the Contribution of Attentional Control Mechanisms to Multisensory Processing” at the IMRF 2014 conference, June 11-14, Amsterdam.
Romei V. Novel methodologies in Neurostimulation. Invited talk at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain, 23rd May 2014. Hosted by Prof. Salvador Soto-Faraco.
Romei V. New insights on the functional role of alpha oscillations in (multi)sensory processing. Invited talk at City University London, Department of Psychology, London. 5th Feb 2014. Hosted by Dr. Elliot Freeman.
Romei V. The functional role of brain oscillations in sensory and multisensory processing. Invited talk at Aston Brain Centre, School of Psychology, Birmingham. 29th Jan 2014. Hosted by Prof. Klauss Kessler.
Romei V. The causal role of alpha oscillations in (multi)sensory selection. Invited talk for the Symposium in the honour of Walfgang Klimesch. University of Salzburg, Austria. 19 and 20 September 2013.
Romei V. Assessing the causal role of oscillatory brain activity in perception, cognition and action by combining TMS and EEG. Invited talk for the Symposium at Aalto University Finland: 17 May 2013. Hosted by Dr. Juha Silvanto.
Romei V. Driving brain oscillations to understand behavior: a causal mapping approach. Invited talk at CiMeC, Universita’ degli studi di Trento, Rovereto Italy. 22 June 2012. Hosted by Prof. Nathan Weisz.
Romei V. Crossmodal auditory interactions in early visual areas: as early as an alpha wave. Invited talk at Consolider CognNeuro Seminar Series at Univeritat de Barcelona and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. 25 May 2012. Hosted by Prof. Salvador Soto-Faraco.
Romei V. New perspectives in neuromodulation: from crossmodal interactions to brain entrainment. Presented at the symposium entitled “Entrainment of brain oscillations: How rhythmic stimulation affects behaviour”. BACN2012, Newcastle, UK. 11-13 April 2012.
Romei V. On entrainment of occipito-parietal brain rhythms and modulation of perception by rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) presented at the symposium entitled: Entraining the Brain? Effects of rhythmic brain stimulation protocols on oscillatory brain activity and behaviour”. ICON XI, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.September 2011.
Romei V. Entraining the Brain? Effects of rhythmic TMS bursts on EEG oscillatory brain activity and behaviour”. Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, London, UK.September 2011.
Romei V. Looming sounds selectively and pre-consciously enhance visual cortex excitability. 3rd International Conference on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current Stimulation. October 1st-4th 2008, Göttingen, Germany.
Romei V. Visual awareness without visual stimulus presentation: An EEG-TMS study on the electrophysiological predictors of conscious phosphene perception after single pulse TMS. Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Florence, 2006.